Il lettino Manuthera 242: per il miglior trattamento osteopatico
This ultra-professional tool allows you to be very specific in the evaluation and treatment of the spine (cervical, dorsal and lumbar). In fact, its particular mobilization systems allow you to treat the spine in the three dimensions of space, specifically and effectively, offering the best osteopathic treatment in Milan.
The osteopathic approach is based on three principles:
He states that the body contains within itself all the means necessary to eliminate and prevent disease. This is provided that the self-regulating systems are free to function properly, that is, that there are no obstacles in the way of tissue nutrition and waste elimination.
The structure-function relationship. The obstacles are to be found in the body structures, namely in the myo-fascio-skeletal system. The joints, particularly the intervertebral ones, can, following direct or indirect trauma, undergo functional modifications that cause pathological disorders.
The unity of the human body. Still places the unity of the human body at the level of the myo-fascioskeletal system. This structure brings together the various parts of the body and is susceptible to retaining traces of the trauma it suffers, even if minimal. The concatenation of disorders with possible distant effects also occurs through the aforementioned system.
The first visit to the osteopath
Dialogo iniziale
l'osteopata raccoglie informazioni dettagliate sulla salute e la storia clinica del paziente per inquadrare il problema e procedere con la terapia appropriata.
L'osservazione della postura, della camminata e dei movimenti del paziente consente di individuare schemi posturali scorretti e atteggiamenti che possono essere alla base dei sintomi.
l'osteopata esamina la colonna vertebrale e le altre articolazioni, analizzando muscoli e regioni corporee per capire la relazione tra i vari problemi funzionali e l'intero corpo
Il trattamento osteopatico affronta le disfunzioni con manipolazioni appropriate, spesso intervenendo in aree lontane dal dolore per migliorare l'intera struttura corporea. Utilizzando tecniche manuali specifiche su articolazioni, muscoli, fasce e visceri, l'osteopatia mira a ottenere effetti positivi sulla zona dolorante e a ristabilire l'equilibrio generale del corpo.
Who is osteopathy for ?
Some disorders I deal with
Postural problems
Postural problems are one of the main causes of musculoskeletal pain.
Through osteopathy, it is possible to correct postural dysfunctions and alleviate symptoms.
Low back pain affects approximately 1 in 10 people worldwide. 1 in 3 people becomes chronic. Low back pain is often associated with disc lesions of the lower lumbar spine (L4-L5, L5-S1).
Neck pain, together with low back pain, is the main cause among musculoskeletal disorders that leads to requiring the intervention of an osteopath.
Dolore e rigidità muscolare
Tight, neglected, and sore muscles lead to poor posture, and that means less movement. Movement creates choices in this life. Movement is living.
Joint pain
Shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, foot and temporomandibular joint.
Osteopathy is a valid aid against headaches. There are different types of headaches, the most frequent are: muscle-tension headache, migraine and cervicogenic.
The condition of hyperkyphosis is often associated with negative health consequences, including impaired physical function, pain and disability, and reduced lung function.
From the Greek Skolios meaning crooked, it is a pathology that affects the spinal column, whose distinctive feature is the deformation in the three dimensions of the column.
Carpal Tunnel - Trigger Finger
Both conditions can be treated with conservative therapies.